6MT VHF - status Quad

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Status Quad production for 6 mt e VHF
Modelsn° of elements/Band Boom length (meter / ft)

6 mt
2 mt
2,44 / 8.00
5,10 / 16.73
5 StQ-Y 50 Quagy5
5,2  / 17.06
6 StQ-Y 50 Quagy6
7,90 / 25.91
8 StQ-Y 50 Quagy8
coming soon
6 StQ 144
62,14 / 7.02
8 StQ 144
82,89 / 9.48
12 StQ 144
124,38 / 14.37
3/6 StQ 50/144362,44 / 8.00
4/8 StQ 50/144485,10 / 16.73
4/12 StQ 50/144412
5,10 / 16.73
3 StQ 50 KIT3
2,44 / 8.00
4 StQ 50 KIT4
5,10 / 16.73
Status Quad antennas for 6mt and VHF, are always made with the same care for details, such as the HF models. We looked for solutions that would make the 'antenna mechanically reliable and easy to assemble.

Boom accessory
The boom/mast coupler is entirely in aluminum cut and drilled with numerical control machines. Housing boom dug in the plate so as to prevent movement. Aluminum U-bolts to tighten must to 40 to 65 mm (1" 9/16 to 2" 35/64) . Boom made from aluminum square profile 50x50mm ( 1" 61/64 x 1" 61/64 ) thickness 2 mm - 5/64 ft.

Boom plate quad VHF e 6 mt standard boom 50x50 mm

Boom plate quad VHF series L version boom 30x30 mm

Antenna elements
The elements are made of fiberglass-round 10 mm - 25/64ft diameter, the conductor is connected to the elements through nocks, designed and made by Status Quad.


We use for the loop an alluminium rope, 2 mm - 6 mq

"Status Quad" Caira Studio srl, via Cavallini 1, 03040 Ausonia (FR) ITALY
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